
Judith is an elderly Librarian. She is speaking to her daughter Andrea,who is in her thirties. Judith had been thinking about opening her own business, but she recently gave up on the idea.

Anderea: What’s the matter, Mom? you look so somber recently. Don’t tell me you’re stiill upset about not opening that business.

Judith: No, I’ve pretty much gotten over that, but let me tell you- it would ‘ve been great if it had happened.

Andrea: Oh, I’m not so sure about that. I mean, if you had opened a shop, it probably would have failed miserably.

Judith: Hmm,I just feel like I haven’t done anything with my life.

Andrea: Mom, what are you talking about? You have your job at the

Judith: The Library?! I’ve wasted my whole life working there! If I’d known
how boring it was going to be , I wouldn’t have gone to school to
get a librarian’s degree.

Anderea: But if you hadn’t gone to school, then you wouldn’t have met

Judith: That’s true, but I still think we got married too early.You know, Andrea,you’re still young. Now is the time for you to enjoy your life. I would’ve done some traveling if I hadn’t gotten married.

Andrea: But I wouldn’t be here if that had happend! Mom, you’ve got to stop living in the past,and start thinking about the future. You’re still healthy. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!

JUdith: Ah, give me a break,will you?


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